10. Results
Record and share your results
Keeping accurate records of your hub’s activities and reporting these back to your support coordinator is an important part of every hub leader’s role. We need up-to-date information about what each hub is doing so we can continue to get funding and support and so that you can continually evaluate and improve your services.
Your support coordinator will outline the end-of-term reporting requirements and is there to help if you have any questions. The main information we’re looking for is:
- what activities were held in your hub
- how many people attended
- how many adults/children
- from which cultural/migrant/refugee backgrounds
- what partnerships were established and any activities arising from them, and one hub case study/story.
Real-life stories are incredibly powerful ways of demonstrating the benefits of community hubs.
We use quotes and personal stories in all our reports and these have helped us raise the profile of the program and secure funding.
What works – insights from hub leaders
- Ask for help from your hub support coordinator if are finding it difficult to maintain the necessary records.
- Promote your hub’s successes by regularly sharing stories and photos in school newsletters and meetings; with your support coordinator and our national support team.
Victorian hub leader
“When someone tells you a story about the impact your hub has had, always write it down. The people in CHA’s national support team are really approachable and they don’t mind if I send a summary of feedback in a text, voice recording or even a dotpoint email.
It doesn’t need to be perfect, they’re just happy to hear stories about the challenges families are facing and when things go well. I’ve scanned thank-you cards and forwarded emails I’ve received from hub mums and dads, to share the feedback I get. This way people in the national office gets to see the words direct from the person.”
NSW hub leader
“I’ve spoken to my principal about what data is useful to him and now I know what to look out for and provide to the school.
After preparing my report each month, I print out the summary (available in the last tab of your data report) and give this to my principal and the parent committee.”
“I set aside weekly time to do my admin to make sure this doesn’t pile up. I’ve had to say ‘No’ to some things and focus on doing fewer things, but to doing them well.”