Impact and evidence

In 2023, CHA engaged Deloitte Access Economics to complete a social return on investment evaluation (SROI) of the National Community Hubs Program.

The SROI evaluation concluded that a staggering $65.7 million of social benefits were derived through participation in the community hub network in 2023 – generating a return of $3.50 for every dollar invested.

“The National Community Hubs Program has continued to generate significant social benefits, not only to culturally diverse families, but to their broader communities leading to a range of positive social outcomes.”

– Luke Condon, Partner, Deloitte Access Economics

The highlights of these benefits include:



Read our Deloitte Social Return on Investment Evaluation 2021 here.

A previous 
evaluation of the program by Murdoch Childrens Research Institute in 2017 found that children from backgrounds where English is not spoken at home are among the most developmentally vulnerable in the Australian community, and interventions are needed to ensure they arrive at school ready to learn. 

The report found that community hubs provide these interventions, making the transition to school smoother for new students, their families and school staff, compared to the experience prior to hub implementation. The report also notes the impact of hubs beyond school readiness, particularly in building the confidence of parents to engage in their child’s schooling and in undertaking their own vocational training.